
Why do human responses differ from synthetic responses

Why do human responses differ from synthetic responses?

Learn how AI's consistency and humans' contextual awareness can drive innovative market research solutions.

Why some Human Responses are different from AI Responses

As AI systems become increasingly integrated into various aspects of our lives, recognizing their unique strengths and limitations compared to human respondents can drive more informed decisions and foster innovative applications. At Invisibly, we delve deep into these differences to optimize AI-human collaboration to deliver you the insights you need at a fraction of the time and cost of traditional research methods.

The Fundamental Differences Between AI and Human Responses

One of the most striking differences between AI and human respondents lies in the variability of responses. If you were to survey 50 humans on a Monday and then again on a Tuesday, you’d likely encounter a range of different answers each day. People are fickle, and their responses are influenced by human factors—mood, environment, recent experiences—which contribute to this inherent variability.


In contrast, AI systems, particularly large language models (LLMs), offer a level of consistency that humans cannot match. Given the same input, an AI will generate responses that are remarkably similar each time, devoid of the day-to-day fluctuations that characterize human feedback. They also never experience the “survey fatigue” that researchers have to grapple with whenever creating surveys for people. However, traditional LLMs lack that context of time, current events, and emotion that give narrative, nuance, and the unique human touch to survey results. 

Strengths and Weaknesses: A Comparative Analysis

Strengths of AI Responses

  1. Reliability and Accuracy, as mentioned above, is not perfect with either the ever-changing opinions of Humans, nor the ungrounded default responses of AI. Human responses are absolutely the gold standard that market research will continue to view as ground truth, but a Human + AI system with carefully designed linkages can provide even more insight than either audience type alone.
  2. Scalability: In terms of affordability and speed, AI can process and generate responses at a scale that is impossible for human respondents, making it an unprecedented step-change in the capabilities of data analysis and research.
  3. Boundless Patience and Consistency: AI systems can handle extensive surveys without fatigue, providing thorough and consistent responses over prolonged periods. Unlike humans, AI does not experience survey fatigue, ensuring that the quality of data remains stable throughout the process.
  4. Openness and Transparency: AI Personas can discuss topics that humans might find private, taboo, or uncomfortable. They can also do so in a way that is completely anonymous, eliminating regulator and data privacy concerns. This openness can lead to the discovery of insights that are typically hidden or difficult to elicit through human surveys.
  5. Representative: AI Audiences are easily designed to cover the specific audience demographics and profiles that you are interested in, with detailed ability to expore the data for the desired segments.

Alignment: Measuring the Quality of AI and Human Responses

At Invisibly, we stand at that intersection of LLM consistency and people-driven data. To assess this alignment, we use a number of different metrics and perspectives. 

Component Analysis of Differences

When discrepancies arise between AI and human responses, it is essential to conduct a component analysis to identify the sources of error. These differences stem chiefly from two areas:


Sampling Differences: While we design the ideal demographic distribution for the AI Audience, there are always at least slight variations in the profiles of humans that are recruited or choose to respond to a given survey. These variations can lead to divergent results. Understanding these sampling differences helps in adjusting survey designs and findings.


AI-Specific Errors: After accounting for Sampling Differences, it is still the case that AI may generate errors based on its training data, such as: insufficient pre-training with respect to specific topics, areas, or people groups; reinforcement of biases; old or stale pre-training data; or misinterpretation of nuanced questions. Identifying these errors allows for targeted improvements in AI training and response generation processes.


By dissecting these components, we can triangulate data more effectively.

Leveraging AI Strengths While Mitigating Weaknesses

It’s clear that AI outperforms human responses in some of the aforementioned areas. However, it is equally important to recognize and address where AI falls short. Identifying topics or questions where AI struggles ensures that human expertise is applied where it matters most, maintaining the integrity and relevance of your research.

Building a Balanced System

We’ve actualized a system that harmoniously integrates AI and human responses by embracing the strengths of each and mitigating their respective weaknesses. Building this system involves:


  1. Careful Curation of Training Data: AI systems must be trained on diverse and high-quality data to minimize biases and enhance the relevance of responses. At Invisibly, our proprietary system of AI models, RAG systems, and supporting workflows and calibrations are optimized to stay constantly up-to-date and accurate.
  2. Continuous Oversight and Evaluation: We regularly monitor AI performance and make necessary adjustments to align with evolving human values and societal norms.


Academic and Industry Collaboration: We are partnering with academic institutions and industry experts to stay at the forefront of AI research and development, fostering innovation and best practices in this vital and important field.

Constructing the Framework for AI-Human Collaboration

At Invisibly, one of our missions is to create a symbiotic relationship between AI and human intelligence. We’re building a robust framework that leverages the strengths of both. Our research platform is designed to maximize these strengths to provide you insights at a fraction of the resource cost of real respondents.

Join Our Academic Consortium

We invite researchers, developers, and industry partners to join our intiative. Together, we can develop tools and methodologies that benefit the entire industry, pushing the boundaries of what AI can achieve while staying grounded in human reality.

Embracing a Balanced Future

Understanding the differences between human and AI responses is not just an academic exercise—it is a practical necessity for businesses and investors aiming to harness the full potential of AI technologies. By recognizing and addressing the unique strengths and weaknesses of both, Invisibly is at the forefront of creating AI systems that are not only intelligent but also deeply aligned with human values and experiences.


Partner with Invisibly today to explore how our innovative research platform can drive meaningful progress for your organization.


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